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Start the Transformation with a New Vision and New Mission

The New Vision: Simplified Strategic Planning
To enable the New Vision revenue-generating changes, home care companies have to move from poorly focused ideas to a sharply focused strategy that will establish the direction the business will take.
This is a major change in thinking from poor planning to strategic planning. It includes not just hoping for success but being the driver of success in the first place. It means creating strategies that align with your vision, are easy to use, and work as expected all the time.
Most importantly, this New Vision removes the notion that revenue growth is the responsibility of the Marketing “Rep” and puts it squarely on the shoulders of the entire company – Owners, Managers, Office Staff, and Sales – everyone is responsible for the Simplified Strategic Plan.
The New Vision can help your organization develop the right goals and targets and help your staff, sales and marketing representatives focus their efforts into meeting them.
Building the New Vision will help you focus on your most critical issues and opportunities:
  • Core values
  • Core focus
  • 10-year target
  • Marketing strategy
    • Your target markets
    • Your 3 uniques
    • Your proven process
    • Your guarantee
  • 3-year picture
  • 1-year plan
  • Quarterly rocks
  • Your current issues list
These are some important ways a home care company can become a Strategic Organization so that it continually improves its services to its customers, thereby becoming a ‘must have’ for them.
The New Mission: Quick-Start Service Lines
Rapid Return on Investment
Choose a Quick-Start Service Line and automatically make your home care organization stand out from the competition.  Quick-Start Service Lines offers immediate success with a comprehensive, ready-to-launch service line that sets you apart from the competition with unique service offerings.
Time and again, customers tell us Quick-Start Service Lines are so valuable to them because they are now delivering services that other companies don’t.
Let us help you transform your home care business into a super success and significantly increase your revenues, market share and profitability.
Are you ready-to-launch a specialty service line that quickly starts generating revenue?
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