California HCO Licensing Updates

We recently received updated information on the following licensing issues;
1. Confirmed Fee Increases
2. New Forms for HCO Association Request Form (HCS 9183) and HCO Disassociation Request Form (HCS 9184)
3. Importance of recording Training Log for HCAs
1. Fee Increases CONFIRMED
We mentioned in May that the Bureau was seeking increases in fees. After negotiations, the fees are now confirmed and will go into effect January 1, 2018.
Home Care Aides' fees will go from $25.00 to $35.00 every two years for initial registration and renewal.
Home Care Organizations' fees will go from $5,165.00 to $5,603.00 every two years for initial application and renewal.
2. New HCO Association Request Form (HCS 9183) and HCO Disassociation Request Form (HCS 9184)
The HCO Association Request Form (HCS 9183) allows you to request association of multiple Home Care Aides and employees to your organization on one form. Photo ID still must be accompanied for each listed name or the transfer will not be completed. You do not need to send the LIC 508.
The HCO Association Request (HCS9183) is only for clearance transfers. You may now email these forms to You may also continue to fax them to 916-322-6310 or mail them to Home Care Services Bureau, 744 P Street MST8-3-90, Sacramento CA 95814.
The EXEMPTION TRANSFER (LIC 9188) process has not changed: the LIC9188, LIC508 and copy of photo ID still need to be faxed directly to the Caregiver Background Check Bureau at 916-754-4589.
You do not need to include any other documentation with the HCO Disassociation Request form (HCS9184) including cover letter, photo ID, or any other supporting documents.
If your prefer to continue to use the Clearance Transfer Request (LIC 9182), or If it is easier for your organization to continue emailing/faxing disassociations in a list or individually, you may continue to do that. However, please do not email anything that contains an individual’s social security number.
3. Importance of Recording HCA Training
Your analyst wants to see a clearly identified Training Log Sheet and proof of training. The Bureau does supply a Training Log Sheet that you can use or model after. Registered Home Care Aid Training Log HCS 500 is the form that shows the information they are requesting. They want to see it filled out with title of topic, brief description of the course, date, instructor information and if the training is going towards the state's identified Entry Level or Annual Training. Proof of attendance can be in a form of a certificate, sign-in sheet with a clear understanding of the topic and brief description of the course or signed exams. There needs to be some sort of proof that the HCA had seen and/or was exposed to the training materials. HCA Training Calendar
5 Hours of Entry Level Training (includes: Role as a Caregiver, Company Policies, Infection Control, Emergency Preparedness and Safety Precautions.) These must be completed before the HCA sees a client.
Infection Control, Emergency Preparedness and Safety Precautions are transferable from one organization to another as long as the aide can show proof of completion. (remember you need all information on training log sheet to make the courses a complete transfer)
5 Hours of Annual Training must be completed by the aide's annual registry date. Courses must cover Client Rights, Elder Abuse, how to provide assistance with Activities of Daily Living and Transportation Safety if they are providing this service. These are also transferable.
We recommend you review your training materials and curriculum. If you need supplemental material or a refresher course materials, please visit our California Home Care Resource Website and browse through our Entry Level and Annual Training materials. We provide complete training program that includes: PowerPoint, Certificate of Completion, Trainer Manual, Post Test, and Answer Key. We also provide Train the Trainer Certification. This invaluable course reviews all Ten Hours of training that all HCAs must have at a minimum. We will train your designated staff member/trainer on how to properly present the materials,
understand the basics of licensing regarding training and how to properly instill your company policies regarding caregiving. P.S.
Tips and Common Issues During Inspections
Based on what the analysts as well as McCaulie's experience has been out in the field conducting inspections the last couple of months: 1. Personnel files should be organized. 2. Licensees /Designees should be present. If you they are not present the analyst will return. However, if there is a pattern of no-show this can lead to a revocation of HCO license. 3. Forms must be complete 4. Training must be complete and logged. 5. Recommendation of uniformity of files. 6. Remain Calm. LASTLY - You take care of the clients and trust us to take care of the compliance.