5 TIPS for talking with your Home Care Aides about Labor Unions after July 1st

Starting July 1, 2019 all newly Registered HCAs and any renewal HCAs will now have the option to Opt-Out of sharing their name with union organizations.
What you CAN'T do
1. Threaten
"If you sign for a Union you will lose your job"
2. Interrogate
"Did you sign the Union card?" What are the talking points that are being discussed?"
3. Promise
"If you don't sign the Union Card, I will guarantee 40 hours a week."
4. Spy
"Let's send one of the supervisors to the off-site Union meeting to find out which caregivers are attending the meetings."
What you CAN do
Employers are guaranteed their right to free speech (so long as statements do not contain threats of reprisal) and the right to file charges of unfair labor practices against unions. The Act also recognizes the right of employees to refrain from union activity.
Taft- Hartley Act Openly talk about why your organization is not in favor of Unions and why there is not a need for a Union. Suggested things you can say to explain why you are not in favor of unions
1. "We do not want a third party to come between our current open line of communication."
2. "All current benefits and incentives are taken away and are up for negotiation at the bargaining table with the Union."
3. "Union dues could equal the same amount as a couple of bags of groceries per month."
4. "If the Union makes you strike, you do not get paid by us or the Union."
Want more information? Our one hour webinar recording on all the details surrounding Unions is now available!